FLUID Design

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Workplace Hub


Shaping the digital workplace of the future.

A journey radically changing Konica Minolta’s business model and offering new opportunities for growth.

• The challenge
How can a traditional IT hardware manufacturer, whose business model is facing fundamental change, enter new growth markets and still retain its heritage?

• The result
Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and the internet of things, we helped Konica Minolta develop Workplace Hub, an open innovation platform for future growth.
Workplace Hub is an entire ecosystem of services, applications and devices that will define the digital workplace of the future.

Transforming business: from IT-manufacturer to IT- service provider
Konica Minolta reached out to us as experts in user centered innovation. Together, we set out on a journey to build the basis for Konica Minolta`s radical transformation from IT-manufacturer to IT-service provider.

With a focus on the big challenges of enterprises and their employees, we helped Konica Minolta to grow creative ideas for future innovations and develop new technologies that will shape the digital workplace of the future.

We employed in-depth interviews and ethnographic research to uncover needs, opportunities and potential barriers to innovation.

On several locations, we conceptually supported the Konica Minolta team in shaping an entire ecosystem of smart workplace solutions accelerating IT-services. This is how Workplace Hub, an open platform for future growth emerged.

We continue to be involved in shaping Konica Minolta`s product portfolio of the future workplace.

“In intense workshops FLUID helped us identify and validate value propositions that were iteratively made tangible, tested and refined into a holistic concept, including validation by extensive market testing.”
Jérôme-Etienne Zastrow, Manager Portfolio Extensions Workplace Hub Group, Konica Minolta


ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH Experience Design Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Sprint Sprint planning Wireframe, Interaction Design & Prototyping Sprints Visual design Sprints User validation UI/UX specification & style guide user centered design USER INTERVIEWS

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