About Us
Brandious. is a boutique branding and design agency based in queretaro, mexico. we use our 25+ years experience to ceate balanced brands for our - often - small clients, giving them a fair chance to become bigger in a competitive, structured way. we have seen that in our region, too many small and medium sized companies greatly lack understanding of their own brands, the market they play in, and the way a design agency is supposed to delivered its services.
Brandious. truly becomes a partner of the client, and is equally passionate about the possibilities the brand / product offers. we get to know the client and their brand / product from within and thus are able to deliver solutions that are scaled to realistic possibilities, while offering an understandable view of where the brand/product can or should go.
Brandious.' staff have international experience in brand building and have worked for and with Fortune500 clients, international organizations, sports federations, luxury brands and fmcg's. this experience is used to leverage small brands and products and allow them to grow and shine, become brighter and communicate with insight and knowledge.
Brandious.' main drive is to build brighter brands that are starting out, are in need of a repositioning or a brand refresh. the occasional commission from larger clients help us keep design costs at a reasonable and responsible level for small clients, small/niche brands and start-up products. international commissions are occasionally executed in collaboration with young, local freelance staff in order to offer them experience on work that would normally not appear in their books; this has helped several of our freelancers obtain recognition, improved working conditions and better prospects.
Brandious. works on an international scale, mainly via the internet, and thanks to flexible working policies and conditions is able to travel to client's premises. we work fluently in 5 international languages.
- Rebrand100 merit IIHF (blue-infinity) 2007
- Rebrand100 notable UEFA (blue-infinity) 2009
- Rebrand100 notable Eurovision (blue-infinity) 2009
- Rebrand100 distinction SIB (blue-infinity) 2010
- BNO - Association of Dutch Designers