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Rivington Glassware

Client: Yod & Co

When designing the collection our aim was to utilise blow-molding as a production technique and create a durable collection of glassware with a delicate aesthetic. This has been achieved by using Borosilicate, a type of glass which has superior thermal resistance and strength.

Whilst testing other products, particularly other carafes - we noticed that the volume required often lead to an uncomfortable grip. In response to this, we looked at ways to make the grip of the carafe more comfortable and secure. The results of testing and prototyping lead to a contemporary interpretation of the classic faceted shape. Each piece within the collection exhibits subtle faceted sides which fade-out towards the top edge of the product.

The facets are intended to be almost invisible upon first glance; only becoming apparent with the beautiful light reflections and shadows that they create; encouraging their use as table centre pieces.

Photography: Felicity McCabe

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