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DADI Node One

Client: DADI

DADI, which stands for Decentralised Architecture for a Democratic Internet, is a peer-to-peer network owned by the people, shifting the balance of computational power away from large corporations. The Node One is the second in a series of products, following the Founding Node, that will host the DADI network – offering users to the ability to sell processing power and cloud storage capacity to the peer-to-peer network.

For us, embracing limitations and restrictions creates a strong product narrative. The Node One does just that. The device needs to be working 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with unrestricted efficiency. Due to this, we have created an unapologetic yet simplistic aesthetic. This outlook also lends itself to being stored anywhere with the home of office. We vented almost every surface for maximum efficiency and to allow other items to be stored near-by, without prohibiting the ventilation.


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